General Building Information EAA Chapter 838 is very fortunate to have a 16,000 square foot building located on the grounds of Racine's John H. Batten International Airport (KRAC). Not only is the building available for member events but also for rental by the public (non-members). If you are interested in renting the building for a private or corporate event please see click on the link "ABOUT" and the "How To Rent The Building For An Event" or click on this link: How-To-Rent-The-Building-For-An-Event. General building information is located right here! General Schedule of recurring events for the building: Many events happen on a repeated basis. These events are published right here and they are: 1. EAA Chapter 838 Monthly Gathering: Third Thursday of each month at 6pm for dinner and social time. 7pm to 9pm for a presentation. For additional information, contact via email President. 2. Shop Night: Every Monday evening from 7pm to 9pm in the shop. For additional information, contact via email Shop Manager. 3. Scout Night: Every Monday night. For additional information, contact via email Scout Manager. 4. Root River Rollers: Every Tuesday and Thursday evening from 6pm to 9pm.For additional information, contact via email RRR Manager. 5. Young Eagle flying events: March through October, Second Saturday of each month, 9am to noon. For additional information contact via email Young Eagle Coordinator. 6. Saturday Flyouts: Generally between 7am and 2pm twice each month. First Saturday hosted by Ed Becerra and Third Saturday hosted by Scott Sherer. For additional information, contact via email Flyout Manager. 7. Aviation Training/Safety Night. Second Tuesday evening of each month, 7pm to 9pm. Hosted by Kyle Kaliebe. For additional information contact via email Kyle Kaliebe. Note: The definitive source for information about events comes from the twice monthly Propwash newsletter and from our online event calendar. You may access the calendar by clicking on the News and Events tab on our home page or by clicking on this link: EAA Chapter Event Calendar |